Tastefully Tam Talks (My Life As a Working Mom)

February 4, 2009

February 2009 “Tasty Talk”: Fun Stuff: “You’re The One That I Want”

Filed under: February 2009 "Tasty Talk" Newsletter, tastefully simple — tastefullytam @ 7:07 pm

Who says we have to celebrate love just on Valentine’s Day? Let’s celebrate the entire month of romance, with some romantic movies.


My all-time favorite is not Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, or any other ‘traditional’ romantic movie. “Grease” is the word! Before Harry met Sally…Danny met Sandy!

When we were kids, my friends and I memorized most of the lines, used to perform all of the songs, and of course, knew all of the dance movies. I didn’t want to be Sandy – I had to be the bad girl, Rizzo! 🙂


What’s your all-time favorite romantic movie?



1 Comment »

  1. Favorite movie? So many to choose from…

    Love Jones

    Sixteen Candles

    The Notebook:

    Jerry McGuire:

    Comment by Bolaji — February 5, 2009 @ 7:07 pm

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