Tastefully Tam Talks (My Life As a Working Mom)

February 4, 2009

February 2009 “Tasty Talk”: Time-Saving Tip

Filed under: February 2009 "Tasty Talk" Newsletter, tastefully simple, Time Saving — tastefullytam @ 4:40 pm

This newsletter is designed for busy women who like to save time and money AND eat, so each month, I will feature ways for you to do just that.


For this month’s time-saving tip, I found a great article titled, “15 Time-Saving Kitchen Tips for Busy Moms.” Check out the articleclock here: http://tinyurl.com/bprwra



My favorite tip from the list involved keeping a pen and calendar in the kitchen at all times. This allows you to make grocery lists, post family reminders, log dinner menus, and track birthdays.


Personally, I have to write things down as soon as I think about them, or I’ll likely forget! 🙂


Do you have a time-saving tip? Submit it, and it could be featured in our next newsletter!

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