Tastefully Tam Talks (My Life As a Working Mom)

November 13, 2008

Taking Center Stage…

Filed under: Uncategorized — tastefullytam @ 5:47 am

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tamara – known on this blog as “Tastefully Tam”, which is an homage to my Tastefully Simple business. I just love alliterations. (Nerd Alert!)

I actually started this blog at the behest of my dear hubby. He thought I should keep a record of all of my Tastefully Simple activities, from which I could learn and improve my business.

So, as I started writing, I started to think about all of the interesting things I was learning, as a first-time mother. Any parent reading this blog, will know that children provide an endless source of stories.

And finally, my story wouldn’t be complete, without tales from my Dilbert-inspired 9-5.

So, I decided to combine all three aspects of my life into this hodgepodge of a blog.

Mine is the only name I will reveal.

Although I interact with countless people throughout my daily activities, none of them has asked to be the subject of my blogs. Hence, I will use pseudonyms to protect the innocent (or in some cases, the guilty).

Sometimes, my focus will be on my son (now known as BabyLove), sometimes on my 9-5, and sometimes, on my Tastefully Simple business (the initial premise of this blog).

In any case, I hope you enjoy taking a peek into my life. Enjoy!

Blog at WordPress.com.